Schenk Consulting offers a complex strategic concept for realization of proton therapy centres which reflects interlinking of economic, clinic-organizational and medical-therapeutical processes.
The complexity and structured interlinking of this project investment – construction of a turn-key and ready-to-operate proton therapy centre – requires strict and complex investment management. Schenk Consulting is responsible for conducting this project investment from a first idea to turn-key construction and completion, namely in three phases:
- Project Development
- Investment Master Controlling
- Design of Operating Company
Proton therapy is the most significant, scientifically recognized medical-technological innovation in modern radiation therapy which is superior to previous therapies with a great number of cancer patients.
Proton therapy is a medical, ethic and social quantum leap in cancer treatment.
Positive treatment results of proton therapy during the past 30 years during which approx. 150,000 cancer patients have been treated with proton therapy, show that application of proton therapy advances worldwide.
Already in the beginning, all project levels need to be analysed and results and knowledge must be interlinked. This includes, beside selection of an optimum macro-site and micro-site, a decision about the main partners for construction and technology as well as clarification of any legal issues, including insurance-related questions, and embedding of this project in an already existing public health scheme, and conceptual design of a cooperation model which enables continuing in-flow of patients.
Our development concept is currently being implemented in the framework of the pilot project „Central German Proton Therapy Center in Leipzig Markranstädt“. We offer to implement this concept in an international surrounding and adapt it to respective national characteristics.
You will find further information on proton therapy and the project status at: